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  • Key Figures

    Highlights at a Glance

    Indicators Figures in KPW (exchange rate: CHF1 = KPW 130)
    2017 2018 2019
    Gross premium written 1 848 775 206 2 842 105 037 3 213 157 061
    Earned premium 1 568 419 534 2 516 255 759 2 819 703 771
    Total assets 8 135 712 808 8 872 345 568 8 980 556 865
    Losses paid 638 406 655 1 721 554 005 2 737 985 201
    Paid-up capital 3 000 000 000 3 000 000 000 3 000 000 000
    Equity 7 601 805 492 8 046 057 819 7 914 271 619
    Result before payment to state 828 725 186 634 646 181 (131 786 200)
    Profit after payment to state 580 107 630 444 252 327 (131 786 200)


    Portfolio(split premium-wise)

    Results as per Lines of Business






    Financial Statements

    Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2019

    All figures in KPW

    No ASSETS 2017 2018 2019
    1 Property, plant and equipment 185,920,000 186,544,000 194,776,000
    2 Intangible assets 12,169,600 12,207,040 13,412,960
    3 Cash and cash equivalents 7,907,623,208 8,659,038,178 8,764,607,867
    4 Trade and other receivables 30,000,000 14,210,525 7,395,000
    5 Other receivables and Prepayments - 345,825 365,038
    Total assets 8,135,712,808 8,872,345,568 8,980,556,865
    No EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2017 2018 2019
    1     Equity 7,601,805,492 8,046,057,819 7,914,271,619
    1) Paid-up capital 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000
    2) Organization fund 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000
    3) Reserves 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000
    4) Retained earnings 21,697,862 601,805,492 1,046,057,819
    5) Profit or loss for the period/year 580,107,630 444,252,327 (131,786,200)
    2     Gross underwriting provisions 486,472,173 748,622,096 973,119,845
    1) Provision for unearned premium 457,572,173 710,822,096 895,619,845
    2) Provisions for outstanding claims 28,900,000 37,800,000 77,500,000
    3     Total liabilities 47,435,143 77,665,653 93,165,401
    Total equity and liabilities 8,135,712,808 8,872,345,568 8,980,556,865


    Income Statement for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

    All figures in KPW

    2017 2018 2019
    1     Net earned premium 1,568,419,534 2,516,255,759 2,819,703,771
    1) Gross premium written 1,848,775,206 2,842,105,037 3,213,157,061
    2) Change in unearned premium (267,603,758) (253,249,923) (184,797,749)
    3) Reinsurance premium (12,751,914) (72,599,355) (208,655,541)
    2     Other income 30,000,000 30,462,840 77,892,948
    3     Net claims incurred (667,306,655) (1,745,143,480) (2,808,090,201)
    1) Claims incurred (638,406,655) (1,721,554,005) (2,737,985,201)
    2) Outstanding losses (28,900,000) (23,589,475) (70,105,000)
    4     Management expenses (101,878,693) (166,098,938) (220,191,719)
    5     Other expenses (509,000) (830,000) (1,101,000)
    6     Result before payment to state 828,725,186 634,646,181 (131,786,200)
    7     Payment to state (248,617,556) (190,393,854) -
    Profit after payment to state 580,107,630 444,252,327 (131,786,200)


    Cash Flow Statement for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

    All figures in KPW

    2017 2018 2019
    1     Operating activities
     1) Cash generated from operations 1,141,658,352 942,470,264 115,007,609
     2) Payment to state (248,617,556) (190,393,854) -
      Net cash flows from operating activities 893,040,796 752,076,410 115,007,609
    2     Investing activities
     1) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (84,480,000) (624,000) (8,232,000)
     2) Purchase of intangible assets (5,068,800) (37,440) (1,205,920)
      Net cash flows from investing activities (89,548,800) (661,440) (9,437,920)
    3     Financial activities
      Net cash flows from investing activities - - -
    4     Net change in cash and cash equivalents 803,491,996 751,414,970 105,569,689
    5     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 7,104,131,212 7,907,623,208 8,659,038,178
    Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 7,907,623,208 8,659,038,178 8,764,607,867