Naenara Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Investment environment in Rason Economic and Trade Zone

Nature and geography

Natural resources and infrastructures

Legal groundwork and economy

Finance, education and culture

Investment Projects

Projects for Development of Industrial Parks

Projects for Development of Tourist Destinations

Investment Projects for Local Industries

Investment Items

Investment Policy

Tax Policy

Procedures of Enterprise Establishment

Management Committee of Rason Economic and Trade Zone

Projects for Development of Tourist Destinations

1. Eco-tourist Park on Pipha Islet

It is planned to build a unique park for enjoying seascape and having a rest and sea bathing. The park will be provided with conference and exhibition halls and recreational facilities.

An oceanarium will be built on Pipha Islet.

Total area: 2 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 809 million

2. Chujin Holiday and Villa Parks

It is planned to build parks provided with various facilities for sea bathing, golfing, seaside fishing, amusement games and Koryo therapy.

Total area: 1 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 445 million

3. Haesanggum Tourist Park

It is planned to set up an open-air exhibition ground to display works of fables and science fiction stories well-known at home and abroad.

Total area: 0.8 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 323.6 million

4. Sinhae International Conference Park

This park is to sponsor international conferences and provide participants and tourists with various kinds of services such as sea bathing and seeing scenes from the naval battles of Kobukson (turtle-shaped ship), the first armoured battleship in the world. Articles for tourists are also available.

Total area: 6.2 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 2 507.9 million

5. Changjin Zoological and Botanical Park

It is planned to create an environment for having a pleasant time while touring a zoological and botanical park.

Total area: 6 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 1 227 million

6. Kallumdan Bathing Resort

It is planned to build a specialized bathing resort.

Total area: 0.5 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 22.25 million

7. Ungsang Maritime Sports Tourist Park

It is planned to build a park of maritime sports and sea bathing for athletes and sports fans.

Total area: 2 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 490 million

8. Uam Sunrise-sightseeing Park

It is planned to give tourists with an opportunity to enjoy the first spectacular scene of sunrise on the Asian Continent and sea bathing.

Total area: 6 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 427 million

9. Sahyangsan Mountaineering Tourist Park

It is planned to develop tourist parks that showcase the history of the revolutionary activities of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu and provide such conditions as climbing Mt. Sahyang and commanding a bird’s-eye view of the Rason City.

Estimated cost: US$ 64.5 million

10. Sightseeing of Socho Islet on Excursion Ship

It is aimed at providing tourists with an opportunity to enjoy unique marine environments and the seascape of Rajin Bay and the landscape of the city.

Total area: 2 km²

Estimated cost: US$ 69 million